1. We Can Stand Up Now!
2. Lies Flowing
3. It’s Obvious
4. Get Up and Climb High
5. Motion
6. Here We Are
7. Something About You
8. Choose My Own Way
9. Falling
10. Middle of the World
11. Now
REVIEW from electrozine.net (DE): Laut Aussage des russischen Duos Radiomun, ist “Mun” der Mond und “Tot” eine alte Gottheit. Silbermond und Lichtmond gibt es schon, nun lernen wir eben auch noch den Radiomond kennen… Read more
Do you like to trip? What about walking on the Moon? Walking on the Moon listening to music, specifically listening to a new Radiomun’s album (Kaliningrad, Russia)!
Senses born by this peculiar genre mixture would take you further and higher than just a journey to another country. It is a landing on another planet and a deep dive
into yourself at the same time.
Think that we’re gonna bring you into trance with monotonic drone? Wrong! We’re gonna provoke a huge energy stream inside you, make you move and imagine richly! Because Radiomun can do that.
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