1. Follow
2. Matter Over Mind
3. In the Future
4. Mein Gewinn
5. Passage 1
6. Actually
7. Reality Design
8. Ruin My Garden
9. Passage 2
10. Catharsis
11. Stupid Reality
12. Enough
13. Passage 3
14. Saves Me
15. Mirim
REVIEW from voxempirea.com (EN): A significant and original novelty is currently represented by the German A.I. Zero, a side-project founded in 2013 by Maikko Advance (machines) – keyboardist / visual-maker of the Germanic EBM / industrial / electro band Human Decay, as well as creator of the dark-electronics / IDM / EBM solo-act called Mind Area – together with the cooperation given by the enigmatic musician Flesh Wire (vox / machines)… Read more
REVIEW from electrozine.net (DE): Nachdem dieses Duo uns im Januar ihre Debüt-EP “Obsolete cyborg” schenkte (im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes), ist es nun Zeit für das Debüt-Album. Mit dem Opener “Follow” ergreift sofort spacige SciFi-Atmosphäre vom Hörer Besitz und schnell wird klar, dass erneut elektronische Musik geboten wird, die das Kopfkino ordentlich befeuert und die Fantasie reichlich anzuregen weiß… Read more
ARTICLE from electrozine.net (DE): Der Name des Duos A.I.Zero lädt sicherlich zu Spekulationen ein, aber es soll bitte niemand auf die Idee kommen, dass hier zu wenig oder gar nix von den Zutaten enthalten sein könnte, die ein Fan intelligenter Electro-Mucke in seiner akustischen Cola haben möchte! Da könnte es schon eher mal bei untrainiertem Gehör zu Überdosierungen kommen… Read more
The debut release of the German project AI-Zero (based by Maikko A., a part of «Human Decay» and «mind.area» bands together with his collaborator Flesh Wire) is a work in the genre, which the authors called «cyberpop».
It’s like a report from the future or from a parallel reality where all the dire predictions of cyberpunk adepts have come true: hard but not fast mechanical rhythm, often oddly broken (and in those moments reminiscent whether about dubstep, whether on cult works of «Haujobb»), is a dark and mesmerizing in its technological complexity atmosphere like calculated by omnipotent artificial intelligence and, at the same time, not devoid of ordinary human sentiment expressed in the regular circulation to the melodies and ideas of electronic music of the 80s, which seemed very futuristic in those early days and has not lost its charm to this day.
This is the rigid texts criticizing the existing orderliness and singing hymns to it, sometimes calling to choose which side you will be in the end, it’s a dark vocals and sampled guitar clang. This is music that can cause association with «Skinny Puppy» as easily as recall the “voluminous” epics about the future by «Mind In a Box».