1. Retrospective
2. I Belong To You
3. You Know Me
4. All About You
5. Little Girl
6. Tonight
7. Space Journey
8. In Your Arms
9. Tonight (TourDeForce remix)
10. All About You (mix)
11. In Your Arms (LastEDEN remix)
12. All About You (Radiomun remix)
REVIEW from bodystyler.org (DE): Im Juli 2015 erschien eine kostenlose Download-Single, die für nicht wenige Synth-Pop-Verehrer einen vollmundigen Anwärter auf den Sommerhit-Posten bereit hielt… Read more
After the successful release of single “All About You”, Simple CUT presents debut album “In Your Arms” performed in the best traditions of synthpop. Every song immerses the listener in a special atmosphere, and the bonus tracks from Tour De Force, Radiomun and LastEden are a great addition to the album.
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