1. Sheepskin
2. Harvest The Anger
3. On The Way (To Leave)
4. Lovemenow
5. Distant Light
6. Drowning
7. Time To Comprehend (Humdrum Remix)
8. Way In Mind
9. Once
10. Esteem
11. Deliver Me
12. Return
13. Dispel The Doubts (Demo Vox)
14. Are You The One? (Demo)
15. Don’t Fall Asleep (Demo)
16. Colors (Demo)
REVIEW from bodystyler.org (DE): In Potsdam finden sich nicht nur die Wurzeln des Bodystyler-Magazins, sondern auch die einiger Bands. Eine davon trug den Namen No Decay und kann diverse Veröffentlichungen (u.a bei Synthphony Records) vorweisen. Zwei der Mitglieder (Daniel Böse und Markus Gabriel) konnten nach Auflösung der Formation ihre Liebe zur elektronischen Musikerzeugung nicht begraben und traten unter dem Namen 8ight zunächst als Remixer für Wave in Head, Patenbrigade: Wolff und Blind Passenger in Erscheinung… Read more
8IGHT is a project of Daniel and Markus based in Potsdam/Germany. They both follow their musical line in a more old-fashioned electronic way since they started back in 1993 with a band,that was called ‘No Decay’. While they try to combine old and new musically technologies, the most important thing for them is and always will be the song itself.
‘HIDDEN TRACES’ is not, what you can call a conceptional album. It’s more a compilation of tracks they recorded in the past couple of years. Although they already released some of these tracks digitally on their own label Dama Recordings, this will be their first physical release.