1. No Pain Forever [Feat. Armageddon Dildos]
2.Soon You’re Mine
3.End Up All Alone
4.Home Extinction
5.What Did You Say Was The Future For?
6.Had The Power Of A Thousand Suns
7.Perfect Bodies
9.Show Them New Beginnings
10.Show No Talent
11.Not Afraid
12.Das Produkt Des Jahres
13.Delete The Rain, Delete The Sunshine
14.Rocket Full Of Rust
Review from Black Online Magazin
A journey through the darkness and the light. Dirty Hits and prettiness. Don`t miss out these innovative 14 tracks of this unique Band.
electro industrial, future pop, goth raggae, indie noise for open minded persons who will appreciate the power and quality of this creative high.
4 Remixes of the track feel nothing, Original by HEALTH: Done by Melting Rust Opera, a band of Flesh Wire and friends thanks for the permission of the HEALTH guys to upload our strange little remixes: